Avenues Institute for Advanced Mathematics

The mathematician cannot create things at will, any more than the geographer can; one can only discover what is there and give it a name.

— Gottlob Frege
The Foundations of Arithmetic, 1884

The Avenues Institute for Advanced Mathematics (AIAM) offers a path of advanced study in mathematics for secondary-aged students at Avenues campuses around the world. More than just an advanced math class, the Institute is an exceptionally selective global program designed for students who see mathematics as a source of beauty and inspiration in the world, and who feel driven to produce groundbreaking work in pure and applied mathematics. If you perceive nature as a collection of patterns, hear number ratios in music, and find yourself explaining the phenomena around you in terms of mathematics, the Institute could be the right next step for you.

AIAM provides a rigorous and highly demanding mathematics curriculum beyond the level of any advanced math class currently taught at Avenues. As such, the Institute replaces a student’s regular math classes. Students will learn from a combination of independent research, peer group discussion, hands-on projects, and the constant construction of mathematical models. Students will examine major mathematical breakthroughs from 17,000 BCE to the present day, incorporating cultural and historical perspectives into their analysis.

The Experience

Instruction is individualized and the learning environment is flexible. Each student completes the material in a manner and at a pace that maximizes their learning. The scope and sequence of the work are strictly determined by the student’s pace, progress, and passion. There are no “classrooms” where students sit together grouped by age or grade level; rather, students benefit from a rhythm of intensive independent study followed by regular group or one-on-one meetings with their teacher — either in person or online.

The program is based on two kinds of work: modules and projects. Modules consist of curricular materials, which students work on independently, discussing their solutions with their teacher and peer group on a regular basis. Projects are hands-on and often collaborative, challenging students to explore applications of mathematics in engineering, science, or art.


Current 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th graders working at high levels in math at any Avenues campus may apply. Interested students should consult with their deans. Students are required to complete the challenge task below and attend an online interview as part of their application. Once enrolled, students may continue in the program through graduation.

Application for 2023–24

Thank you for your interest in the Avenues Institute for Advanced Mathematics.
The application period has ended and we are no longer accepting new submissions.

Students new to Avenues in the 2023-24 school year may email Cem Inaltong at cem.inaltong@avenues.org for more information about the program and application process.